Open Calls

Beast Wars

We often tell the stories of glorious Knights and Hunters, but what about the creatures on the other side of the coin? This anthology call is for stories from the beastly point of view. Convince me that the beast was in the right, or just misunderstood, or maybe…well…you tell me! 

Genre: Fantasy or Urban Fantasy is preferred. The right SF story may make it.

Word Count: 6,000-10,000 words

Due: July 31, 2024 for an October 2024 release

Rating: PG-PG13. This isn’t the place for excessive or explicit content. I’m not looking for message fiction or heavily RL political or religious statements. Fantasy clerics, kings, etc, etc, are fine.

Payment: Split royalty through Pub Share.

Email: Send to with the Subject Line: Your Title – Beast Wars. Please use standard manuscript format (Google Shunn Manuscript format if needed). Reprints are welcome.